Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Check Us Out

We are under way this week with the extended day kinders and the after school 4th and 5th graders. We are off to great start and everyone is enjoying using the new iPads. 

Check our little video clip. Great kids all of them!

Portraits Sept 2012 from Jeff Powers on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Mr. Powers' ELD Blog Spot

Welcome to our blog spot where we can share stuff, show off some of our work, and learn from each other.

I'm excited for this year. We'll be doing a lot of fun stuff and learning a ton. The cool thing for this year is that we have iPads. I was part of the 2nd grade team grant proposal and we all got iPads for every student. You each will be able to do some interesting things with your iPads that'll you'll share with the class.

Check out some of our videos from last year. This year you'll be helping to make some videos. This one shows our kindergarten ELL students acting out prepositions.

large from Jeff Powers on Vimeo.

This video shows our second graders from 2011-2012 school year describing actions. 

Untitled from Jeff Powers on Vimeo.

Another one from last year, a school tour done by our 4th and 5th graders.