Monday, March 11, 2013

2nd and 3rd Grade "How To" Paragraphs

We have been doing explanatory writing. Check out some of our "How To" writing. The whole class generated some options for opening sentences and ways to draw interest. Students then chose the ones they wanted for their paragraph and added their own information. Once the students were finished they each had to read it to the class as another student acted out their directions. It was fun. 

Second Grade:

How to Play Wallball

Have you ever wondered how to play wallball? It’s a lot of fun and I can tell you how to play. You need two people, a wall, and a wallball. A wallball is a red bouncy ball. The kind you see at recess. First one person serves it. That means they throw it against the wall. It has to hit the ground before it hits the wall. When the ball comes back the other person hits it. They can hit it with both hands together or one but you can't hold it or throw it. You get out if you hold it, if it bounces twice before you hit it, or if you hit it outside the lines on the wall. That's it. Now you know the basic rules for wallball.

By Alex

How To Make a Goal in Soccer

Have you ever wondered how to make a goal? Well it’s not that hard. Just sit back and I’ll tell you how. The first thing you do is run. Next you kick the ball in the goal. But don't kick the ball to the goalie, kick it to the side. That's a GOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!

By Angel

How to Fix a Rip in a Coat

Have you ever wondered how to sew up a rip in a piece of clothing? Well it’s not that hard. Just sit back and I’ll tell you how. You will need a piece of thread and a needle to fix it. First you thread the needle. You have to put the thread through the little hole in the needle. Then you tie the thread so it makes a loop. Now you are ready to start sewing. You have to start sewing at one end of the rip. Then sew it back and forth pulling the rip back together. Last, check to see if you sewed it right and then tie off the extra thread. Now you can wear it. 

By Camila

How To Make A Ham Sandwich

Have you ever wondered how to make a sandwich? Well it's not that hard. Just sit back and I'll tell you how. You will need to get two pieces of bread, some tomato slices, lettuce, ham, and cheese. Next you can start building your sandwich. Put everything on one slice of bread. Then put the other slice on top of that. Now you can eat it. Enjoy!

By Dylan

How To Order A Pizza

How you ever wondered how to order a pizza? Well it's not that hard, just sit back and I'll tell you the first thing that you do. Most pizza places have a menu online you can look up and order from. You can also get the phone number from their website. Decide what you want and then get the phone. Tell them what you want. Make sure you know how much it will cost. It usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes to come. When they come with your pizza you will pay them. Eat and enjoy!

By Jazmine

How To Draw A Car

Have you ever wondered how to draw a car? It’s really not that difficult. I’ll tell you how to do it. First draw an oval with a pencil. You will slowly change the oval into a car shape. Start with the wheels. Draw two of them. Now change the oval line so it goes over the wheels. You will have to erase and redraw. Next draw the windows. Again erase and redraw so it looks more like a car. Last, you can add the front and back of the car. Make sure you erase any extra lines you don’t need. 

By Jordi

How to Eat Pizza

You might think that it is easy to eat pizza, well it is, but there's some things to keep in mind. Do not eat pizza when it's too hot. It will burn your mouth. Wait for it to cool. Then you can take a bite. It is good with Salsa Valentina on top. Finally, choose your favorite drink to have with it.

By Joshua

How To Order A Pizza

How you ever wondered how to order a pizza? Well it's not that hard. Just sit back and I’ll tell you how. The first thing you do is step to the phone and make your order. Tell them what kind of pizza you want. Tell them the size and how many. Make sure they know where to deliver it and make sure you know how much it costs. Then you wait for the order to come. When you hear the doorbell ring, you open the door and pay for the order.  Finally you can eat the pizza. Now you know how to order a pizza!

By Paola

How To Tie Your Shoes

Would you like to learn to tie your shoes? It’s a lot of fun and I can tell you how to do it. The first thing you do is put your shoes on. Then you take the laces in your hands. Next lay the laces over each other so they make an X. Second put one of the laces under the X. Third you pull the laces. Next make two bunny ears out of each lace. Then you make an X out of the bunny ears. Last you put one of the bunny ears under the other one and pull on both bunny ears. Now you know how to tie your shoes. Maybe you can teach other people too.

By Rachel

How To Play Wallball

First you get a wallball. It’s a red bouncy ball. The kind you see at recess. Then you need a wall and another person. Then you play. The first thing you do is serve the ball. That means one person will drop the ball and hit it to the ground and then it has to hit the wall. When the ball comes back the other person hits it. The ball always has to hit the ground before the wall. You get out if the ball bounces twice before you hit it or if the ball hits both the ground and the wall at the same time. You can also get out if you don’t hit the ball or if you hit the ball outside of the white lines on the wall. These are the basic rules of wallball. Now you can go play. 

By Robert

How To Add Two Digit Numbers

Would you like to learn to add big numbers? It’s a lot of fun and I can tell you exactly how to do it. First of all start with the one’s column. Add the numbers in the one’s column. If you start with the big number and count up with the smaller number, it's easier. Next go to the ten’s column and add those. Don’t forget to add any tens that were carried over from the one’s column. Now you have the answer.

By Ryan

Third Grade: 

How to Catch a Football

Have you ever caught a football? It's a lot of fun. When you are catching a football you have to put your hands in the shape of a circle. Both thumbs and both pointer fingers touch each. Don’t take your eyes off of the ball. You want the tip of the ball to go into the circle you make with your hands. Soon as the ball touches your hands you grab it and pull it in close to your body. 

By Chad

How To Do Jumping Rhinos Kick

Have you ever wondered how to do jumping Rhino Kick? It looks very impressive and I can teach you how to do it. First put up your left knee up. Second you jump with your right leg. Finally you kick with your left leg. Now you know how to do jumping rhinos kick.

By Christopher

How To Make A Sandwich

Have you ever wondered how to make a sandwich? It’s not hard and I can tell you all about it. You will need bread,mayo lettuce, ham, and cheese. First you get two pieces of bread. Then toast the bread. Next put mayo on both pieces of bread. Now you can put lettuce, ham, and cheese onto the bread. Next carefully put the two pieces of bread and everything else together. You can cut it in half it you want. Then get a plate and put the sandwich on it. If you want to get a drink you can. Last, eat and enjoy.

By Emma

How to Make a Sandwich

Have you ever wondered how to make a sandwich ? Well, if you don't it’s. your lucky day because I'm going to show you how to make one. First you get two slices of bread. Next, spread mayonnaise over the two slices of bread. Then you put everything you want over one slice of bread. For example you can put ham, cheese, bacon, lettuce, and tomato on. Last you put the two slices of bread together, one on top of the other. Now you are ready to eat. Enjoy!       

By Irvin      

How To Do A Backbend

Have you ever wondered how to do a backbend? Well it’s not that hard. Just sit back and I’ll tell you how. First you have to wear stretchy or loose clothes to do the backbend. Second you have to have a parent holding your back. Then put your hands up and bend over backwards. When your hands touch the ground the parent can let you go.  Remember when you go down to keep your hands up. Keep practicing and then you will be able to do it by yourself. Now you know how to do a backbend.

By Lizzy

How To Fix Apps on an iPad

Have you ever wondered how to fix apps on an iPad? Well it’s not that hard. Just sit back and I’ll tell you. The first thing you do is use four fingers and slide them up. There will be a bar that opens up at the bottom. Then you hold one finger on one of the apps on the bar until red dots appear on the apps. The dots have minus signs in them. Then you touch the red dot and the app disappears. This means you closed the app. This will fix some problems but not all.

By Michelle

Tuesday, March 5, 2013